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Urgency based

Urgency based
S)MAXX uses a priority system to manage open tasks, which allows for critical tasks to be separated from less urgent ones. This way, users can easily identify and perform the most important tasks using the S)MAXX app, even when time is limited for lubrication maintenance. The level of urgency for a task increases based on its importance and scheduled execution date.

Tasks in S)MAXX are assigned a frequency indicating how often they need to be performed (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly, etc.). Tasks are offered in S)MAXX 5% to 25% of their frequency before the planned execution date, providing more flexibility and increasing the likelihood of completing a task.

Each open task in S)MAXX is assigned a priority level ranging from 1 (low) to 4 (high), which determines its level of urgency based on its importance and planned execution date. When a machine is classified as "critical," its tasks are given higher priority levels, resulting in faster increases in urgency as the planned execution date approaches.

As the planned execution date draws near, the urgency of a task increases accordingly. In cases where a machine is identified as "critical," the level of urgency increases even faster. By distinguishing between high- and low-priority tasks, S)MAXX enables users to focus on and complete critical work first, improving the overall efficiency and reliability of the machinery.
smaxx lubrication maintenance software urgency based